Summary of Benefits
Testimonials & Comments
How It Works


Reduce chart pulls by 50%.

Increase physician and provider productivity with less effort, in less time.

Leverage existing IT infrastructure and reduce costs.

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Summary of Benefits

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Testimonials & Comments

“Can you do a 15 – 20 minute overview of eChart at the shareholder meeting Monday night? That is so cool, the docs will go nuts over it!”
-- Senior Clinic Administrator
“He was very impressed. He was actually more impressed … and very complimentary toward the change in (…) MIS focus that was actually considering physician productivity and how things *should* work to benefit the physicians as much as the rest of the staff and patients. After all, the physicians *are* our production personnel.”
-- Healthcare CIO
“Man, this is the coolest thing to come along (…) since I have been here. Every doc in the audience will get a (great feeling) about this!”
-- Senior Physician
“He was very impressed with the concept so far. He feels … it will represent a huge productivity gain for the physicians, something far beyond anything we have been able to show to date. (I agree, that's why we're doing it, right?)”
-- Clinic CIO

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How It Works

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Other benefits include:

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eChart™ is an integrated solution providing maximum benefits for security, scalability, reliability and performance. The solution includes, but is not limited to:

Patient charts are easily accessible without modifications to existing information systems. eChart™ requires near zero maintenance and administration. The system provides an elegant interface to patient charts, connecting easily with the following legacy systems:

Where these facilities are not available, reliable eChart™ brand solutions may be substituted. Other features of the technology include:

Large and medium institutional customers may elect to buy the LAN-based solution, while Transcription Service Providers and Healthcare Internet Providers may elect to purchase the web-based version of eChart™.

Full compliance with evolving medical standards are under development. Areas of coverage include:

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Systems Farm Software Inc. is recognized by Microsoft Corporation as a leader in knowledge management solutions. Since 1994, Systems Farm Software Inc. has build advanced solutions for business, government and the research community using Microsoft technologies.

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